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The Summer Solstice Celebration at Alameda Park is a 3 day festival celebrating the longest day of the year. It is complete with bands, dancers, beer garden, vendors, food court and a true joy of celebration. Saturday at 12pm noon the Summer Solstice Parade kicks off several blocks away and makes its way to the park, typically landing in the park around 2pm with tens of thousands of guests. This is a family friend, art celebration that is one of the largest festivals in Santa Barbara. This year is the 51st year of this celebration.
LOCATION: The Festival is held at Alameda Park, which is at the end of Saturday’s parade route.
PARADE: The theme of this year’s parade is WILD WORLD. The Solstice parade is known for its creativity, joyfulness, music, and dance. The parade draws about 100,000 people as spectators and approximately 50,000 come to the Festival in the Park.
ELIGIBILITY: The Summer Solstice Festival is open to artists and crafts persons, professional businesses, non-profits, resale vendors and sponsors. Arts and Crafts Vendors sell products solely made by the artist present at the booth during the event. All items must be designed and produced by the artist; otherwise, you are a Business vendor. Solstice has the complete discretion to determine the category of each vendor. Solstice tries to separate vendors with similar products but there is the possibility for duplication. We only request 5 images, so it is not possible to know all the products represented by each seller. A jury will determine eligibility based on quality, diversity, presentation and originality (as shown in your Images) in comparison with other applicants within your category. Non-Profits must provide proof of Non-Profit status to be eligible.
ENTRIES WILL BE JURIED AS THEY ARE RECEIVED. Each category is limited to ensure a well-balanced, aesthetically pleasing and interesting show. Summer Solstice reserves the right to limit the number of applicants for any one type of item and reserves the right to change or substitute spaces. In case of a qualifying tie, the entry with the earliest application date mark will be chosen.
All exhibitors must have a valid State of California resale permit. Resale numbers will be verified prior to acceptance.
SPACE SIZES: Most spaces are 10’x10’ and will be provided in the grassy park. Maximum booth and/or display height is 10 feet. Most but not all spaces will be in clusters of 4 creating corner spaces for most Exhibitors. 10’x20’ or 20’x20’ spaces are available by request.
BOOTH SPECIFICS: Electricity is $60 and must be requested when you apply. There are a limited number of booth spaces available that will have access to electricity. Applicants must cover cords in booth with proper rubber matting. No cords can be laid across any pathways. There is only enough power for display lighting (5 amps per exhibitor, 200 watts). All spaces will be provided in the grassy park on the lawn. You must use your own tent structure and/or display panels. Vendors will be restricted to the diameter of your reserved space (10x10, 10x20 or 20x20). Changing rooms must be within the diameter of your reserved space so please keep this in mind when deciding what booth size you will need to choose. Event personnel will inspect the venue daily to monitor compliance with space dimensions. It is mandatory that you keep your items within your booth space, or you will be removed from the festival without a refund. Specific locations will be assigned on a first-come first-served basis, depending on when full space fee is received. Booths cannot be staked into the lawn. Signage may not he hung on the trees.
HOW TO APPLY: Include your website, facebook or Instagram address for your business on your application that shows your work and or products that you intend on selling at the event. If you do not have either of these types of accounts for your business then you are required to submit 5 (five) .jpeg images of your work for the jury along with your application to. Jury results will be emailed to you confirming whether you have been accepted or declined as a Vendor in this year's festival.
PAYMENT: Credit card transactions will go through upon approval. Check payments are due no longer than 2 weeks from approval. Vendors that have not submitted payment by the final deadline date of June 1 will not have a booth space reserved and a vendor's packet will not be emailed to you.
CONFIRMATION/REFUND: Notice of acceptance or non-acceptance to the show come from Eventhub. Space assignments and a map of the event site will be included with your vendor information/confirmation packet that will be emailed approximately 2 weeks prior to the event. If it is necessary to cancel, 50% of your fees will be returned prior to June 1st, 2025. Refunds must be requested in writing and submitted to the Summer Solstice Celebration. Notifications requesting the refund MUST be made by email or letter. Email or letter must be received by Solstice by 4:00pm on June 1st, 2025 using email No refunds will be processed without written request. No telephone or verbal requests for refunds will be accepted. This is an outdoor event. There are no refunds in case of inclement weather, acts of nature, acts of war, terrorism, or restrictions by governmental agencies or other conditions beyond the control of Summer Solstice Celebration.
SPACE ASSIGNMENTS: Space assignments and a map of the venue will be included in the vendor confirmation/information emailed out to you approximately 2 weeks prior to the event. Space numbers will be clearly marked on the lawn in the Merchant sections of the event. Solstice reserves the right to limit the number of spaces for any one particular type of goods and/or services and reserve the right to change or substitute vendor spaces, thereby maintaining the diversity and quality of Summer Solstice Festival.
SETUP & BREAKDOWN: Booth setup will take place on Friday morning. Specific load in times for those days will be available in your Vendor Information Email. We can not accommodate early load ins. Break down and load-out will start Sunday evening after attendees have cleared the park. Specific load out hours will be available in your Vendor Information/Confirmation email. Please make sure you leave your booth space clean so we can ensure the park is left in pristine condition. If upon inspection, your booth area requires additional cleaning after move out, you will be billed a $100 cleaning fee.
DISPLAY REQUIREMENTS: Only the display space is provided. Exhibitors are responsible for providing their own canopies and all other materials, including mats to cover electrical cords. Exhibitors are responsible for setting up their own displays. Volunteers and staff are not available to assist with unloading or setting up displays. Merchandise may not project into the walkways. Merchandise, display equipment, boxes, containers or any other items will not be allowed to remain in aisles after setup is completed. Merchandise should be displayed as colorfully and tastefully as possible.
REGULATIONS: Summer Solstice Celebration reserves the right to remove any exhibitor any time before or during the event in cases where: The exhibitor is guilty of improper conduct; work is improper for family viewing; an exhibitor hinders or encumbers another display or another vendor’s ability to properly exhibit; an exhibitor attempts to sell work other than what was juried and accepted into the event based on photographs or Images submitted with application. Exhibitors and/or merchants are strictly prohibited from allowing other vendors to sell goods from their assigned space. Summer Solstice obtains a permit from the City of Santa Barbara for the event. Any exhibitor, merchant, or vendor who does not comply with event regulations will be required to vacate the entire space without a refund.
In order to maintain the orderly movement of the crowd, all sales, clothes changing booths, leafleting, sampling, conducting demonstrations, distributing written materials and any other commercial, promotional and charitable solicitation activities must be within the participant’s pre-assigned display space. There is no sampling without prior permission and may need a health permit. These activities shall not interfere with the orderly and safe movement of the crowd and shall not overflow into the neighboring display spaces. These activities are not permissible anywhere else inside the Summer Solstice Festival grounds. Engaging in these activities at any location other than the pre-assigned space is grounds for removal from the festival.
CITY OF SANTA BARBARA BUSINESS TAX CERTIFICATE: The City has discontinued the One Day Vendors Permit Application! All Vendors must apply for a City of Santa Barbara Business Tax Certificate online at The fee is dependent on the type of business conducted, and if the business is based inside or outside the City of Santa Barbara. The tax is paid annually, so vendors can use the same tax certificate for multiple events. If you have an active business account, and the correct tax has been paid for the current year. Provide a copy of the tax certificate or filing confirmation receipt to your event coordinator no later than two weeks prior to the event date.
Vendor must obtain Liability Insurance for the event naming “Summer Solstice Celebration, Inc.” as additionally insured in the amount of $1,000,000.00. A copy of the additionally insured endorsement must be received no later than 3 weeks prior to the event. Email a copy of the form to ACT provides event insurance at a good price, and you can easily sign up online.
Spaces must order electricity when application is submitted. These booth spaces will be located in a row along the Anacapa St side of the Exhibitor Park. These spaces are limited! The fee for this is $60.00. There is only enough power for your display lighting (5 amps per exhibitor, 200 watts). The City of Santa Barbara requires that extension cords must be commercial grade covered by a mat. Digging into the lawn to bury cables is strictly prohibited.
PARKING: All vendor vehicles must be unloaded and immediately moved from the load in area prior to booth set up. Note that the City of Santa Barbara has changed the corner curbs so we may not be able to drive into the park. If permitted all vehicles MUST be removed from the park no later than 1:00pm Friday, June 21. Vehicles may be allowed back on the premises the morning of Saturday, June 22 for load in. All vehicles MUST be removed by 11:00am on event days. Absolutely No Driving or Parking is allowed on the lawn to unload or load your items. Bring a cart or dolly to truck your items to your booth space from your vehicle. WARNING: There will be a Park Ranger on the premises issuing tickets for those who do not comply.
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If it is necessary to cancel, 50% of your fees will be returned prior to June 1st, 2025. Refunds must be requested in writing and submitted to the Summer Solstice Celebration. Notifications requesting the refund MUST be made by email or letter. Email or letter must be received by Solstice by 4:00pm on June 1st, 2025. No refunds will be processed without written request. No telephone or verbal requests for refunds will be accepted. This is an outdoor event. There are no refunds in case of inclement weather, acts of nature, acts of war, terrorism, or restrictions by governmental agencies or other conditions beyond the control of Summer Solstice Celebration.
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