Customer Success Story: Jersey City Pride Simplifies Vendor Management with EventHub

Type of Event: Street Festival
Attendance: 20,000+
Number of Vendors: 190 (2024)
Venue: Jersey City, NJ
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Jersey City LGBTQ+ Pride Festival, an annual celebration of diversity and inclusion, has become a hallmark event for the local community. With an attendance of over 20,000 people and 190 vendors, the event required a solution to manage its growing scale. For their 24th anniversary, Jersey City Pride  utilized EventHub to streamline its vendor check-in process using QR codes.

The Challenge: Managing with Excel Spreadsheets

Before discovering EventHub, Eddie Baez and his team relied heavily on Excel spreadsheets to manage event details. This system, while functional, was fraught with inefficiencies and room for error. Eddie Baez described the cumbersome process of manually inputting data from paper applications, leading to frequent duplications and inconsistencies. Despite assembling a small team to assist, the decentralized nature of the data management posed significant challenges.

Transition to EventHub

The first year with EventHub involved a substantial effort in setting up the system correctly. Eddie Baez and his team were diligent, yet there was still a learning curve. However, the comprehensive support from EventHub, particularly from Jamie Nassar, Co-founder of EventHub, proved invaluable. Regular meetings and tailored guidance from Jamie Nassar helped Eddie Baez and his team navigate the platform’s features, ensuring they could maximize its potential. This support was crucial in adapting the system to their needs and overcoming initial challenges.

Transformative Features of EventHub

Vendor Management and Interactive Maps

One of Eddie’s Baez standout features was the ability to create detailed vendor profiles. After the event, Eddie’s Baez built these profiles, enhancing the visibility and accessibility of vendors and sponsors through the interactive map. This feature remained available year-round, benefiting vendors, sponsors, and attendees by providing an easy way to locate and learn about specific participants.

Vendor Check-In with QR Codes

Another significant improvement was using EventHub’s ticketing platform for vendor check-in and text message reminders. This innovative approach utilized QR codes, streamlining the process and reducing potential errors. Eddie Baez highlighted the flexibility and adaptability of EventHub’s system, which catered perfectly to their unique needs such as managing a large number of vendors and sponsors.

Revenue and Attendance Growth

With EventHub, Jersey City Pride saw increased vendor participation and revenue through Eventhub marketplace. Eddie Baez reported approximately 190 vendors and sponsors, and raising around $150,000. Our Interactive map and efficient check-in process contributed to this success, optimizing space and enhancing the overall experience for participants.

Plans for Future Events

Reflecting on the event’s success, Eddie Baez emphasizes the importance of an organized and reliable system. “The more we can consolidate the systems we use, the better it will be for us,” he says. He plans to utilize EventHub for future fundraising events and ticketing opportunities, knowing it will ease the logistical burden on his team.

With the support of EventHub, Jersey City Pride is poised to continue its mission of promoting inclusivity and community engagement, ensuring that the event remains a highlight for years to come.


EventHub has been a game-changer for Jersey City Pride, transforming a once cumbersome and error-prone system into a streamlined and efficient process. As Jersey City Pride continues to evolve, EventHub remains an integral partner in their journey, ensuring seamless event management and a superior experience for all involved.

If you want to simplify your event management and provide an exceptional experience for your vendors and attendees, consider switching to EventHub today!

How You Can Save Time like Jersey City Pride:

Click here to request a custom Zoom walk-through from our team of experienced Event Producers on how EventHub can take your festival, trade show, or expo to the next level. 

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Feature Customer

Eddie Baez, Festival Director